DSC_5477 M.Zakrzewski

Location : Łazarz Garden

The Łazarz garden is a space enabling cooperation of local entities and residents of the district. Its spatial and people-friendly design is the result of synergy between those involved in its creation. In 2013, on the initiative of Generator Malta, after several stormy meetings with  residents of Łazarz, a plot for the garden was selected. It was decided that the garden would be situated on a site between several residences on Ul. Klaudyny Potockiej, where the focal point would be a willow tree. In 2014, on the initiative of the Kasztelania Ostrowska Association, a section of the garden dedicated to Polish wild plants was conceptualized. This is the first such project focusing on bringing wild flora to the city center. Species are being planted that once covered this region prior to the development of settlements. The plant species and their origins are described on educational plaques situated throughout the garden. In the western part of the garden, beds are arranged for planting both decorative and edible plants. 


Generator Malta – initiator and main organizer of artistic projects carried out in the Łazarz Garden, conducts public consultations, coordinates educational projects for children and youth, initiates meetings concerning neighborhood planning and artistic events in the garden (film screenings, concerts, picnics). 

The Kasztelania Ostrowska Association is a group of young and active botanists, who are the main initiators of garden activities associated with the planting and care of plants.

Club „Krąg” is a local organization responsible for the upkeep of the garden.


The residents of blocks adjacent to the Garden are mainly young families with children and seniors – most have lived in this area for decades.
People who routinely visit the garden, utilize it as one of the few green areas hidden within the city blocks. Regular visitors include dog owners, high school students visiting the garden during school breaks or after classes, local drunks besieging walls and benches surrounding the square, people returning home from shopping and those coming by for short neighborly conversations.


Łazarz Garden infrastructure needs are closely related to its Community, with its integrating and intergenerational emphasis and planned educational/cultural events. There is an insufficient amount of seating, both for relaxation and meetings.


The realization of this project was difficult because the group of participants from Mood for Wood was not only tasked to create furniture that will be used at various events, but will also withstand the weather and malevolence of local vandals. In response, they designed six modular elements, each of which may be utilized in many different ways. These included deckchairs, stage elements, a children’s playhouse and a desk with seating. Once connected, the modules form one large table that can be used during the workshops. A large range of applications is achieved by the use of elastic belts which are contained within triangular panels of plywood. Depending on specific needs, it is possible to change the angle of the individual elements, thereby altering the function of the furniture. This also allows the elements to be flattened, making them easy to store. In such form, the furniture is not an enticement for potential vandals and can be safely stored to await the next event under the willow tree.

Student participants:

Paulina Zołdak, Dorottya Bujdoso, Monika Głowacka, Filip Ponechal, Bianka Hajdu, Wojciech Kozłowski, Albret Lencses, Martyna Rajewska, Simona Tothova, Agnieszka Turczyńska, Arif Gönül


Architects from Czech Republic

Platform of architects, designers and friends founded in 2008 in Prague, Czech Republic. It’s scope ranges from porcelain to urban design.

In 2012 they founded a civic association for research and innovation within the field of architecture. By now, it’s main interest is in performance oriented design with a special focus on wood and interaction with public space.